With the word "hunting", most people associate double -barreleders, forest and sausages at the fire. Or tall grass, Belgian Genie Riches sister sites gun with a curved bed, two greyhounds and a black grouse. Or, at worst, Alexander Gordon, discussing in a tight hut with another guest, which fraction is better to take a wild boar.

Now try to imagine in all the classic hunting situations of the Japanese. Japanese in felt boots, in the forest, charges Berdanka. Japanese on the jeep is rogging rhino. Japanese in a baseball cap with a satisfied smile is lucky on the roof of a pickupa corpse of a freshly worn moose … It turns out with difficulty. It will be especially hard for those who have seen at least one part Monster Hunter -The main Asian hunting simulator, in which, according to ancient traditions, the tightened young people kill the rectic dimensions. After such a spectacle, it will be almost impossible to imagine an Asian in a Ushaka and a tarpaulin vest.

No matter how three

Although in Russia, no one was engaged in the promotion of Monster Hunter, this is a fairly famous series abroad. First of all – in Japan, where only one Monster Hunter Freedom Unite for PSP it was sold with a circulation of 3.5 million copies, and Monster Hunter Tri (at home she came out last August) in less than six months reached a million copies. The English versions of these games, however, came out with a great delay, so in Europe and the USA the last part of the series was literally just.

An unprepared player will hardly find five differences between any two parts of Monster Hunter – and there are only eleven of them, not counting the version for mobile phones. All of them are dedicated to how the young young man (if you like, the girl) spent a century in a deaf village, is engaged in gathering and hunting for giant reptiles. Rules and setting remain unchanged, only some little things for fans are finalized.

The Monster Hunter device is the most ordinary role -playing game, and in spirit it is closer to Diablo or Korean online games than to some Final Fantasy. A new part is no exception. As such, there is no role system here, and the only way to determine the degree of development of the character is to look at his equipment. At the very beginning, the main character is a ragged man in chaste shorts, with a stupid knife behind his bosom and a small amount of money. To “get into people”, you have to press some stunted mountain goats or score giant flies until finances allow you to equip properly.

As such plot tasks (and in general the plot) in Monster Hunter Tri. You can calmly walk around the neighborhood and cut out the populations of fairy -tale creatures, once a couple of hours returning to the village for reward. Quests give out not that often, but also pay for them many times more than for free hunting. The simplest thing you can offer you is to collect the right number of herbs or mushrooms. Over time, the murder of animals will be entrusted. The most difficult thing is to take the beast alive: for this you need to purchase a special trap.

If the hunt is a success, you can get a little trading and crafts. For example, make a new armor out of the skins of murdered monsters. Or buy new weapons: in the arsenal there are spears, ordinary and two -handed swords, sledgehammer and daggers, as well as crossbows.

However, when it comes directly to the battle, unpleasant surprises are possible. With moving to Wii to Monster Hunter, the management and the combat system as a whole has radically changed – unfortunately, for the worse. Aiming with a remote control when you have a long -range weapon in your hands, it is convenient, but hunting with a spear or sword sometimes turns into a real circus. The right stick was responsible for ps2 for blows, and you could accurately set the direction of the next attack. As a result, the battle with especially dangerous and toothy monsters turned into a kind of fencing. Here, in order to cut it with a sword, you need to shake a moutot-this is, firstly, for a long time, and secondly, the hero constantly hits the wrong place. The only salvation is the Classic Controller gamepad. Well, a small beast here is generally easier to beat with your feet – such an opportunity is also provided for.

Not a season

But in general, the third part is the best in the series: it is mainly noticeable in such subtle things as economics and balance. There are no more weapons and universal weapons, the shields are now really useful, healing potions are not lying at every step. In addition, almost every new creature has to select their own, special, tactics of battle – first of all, this applies to large and serious monsters. Basically, this, of course, means that you will have to carefully sort out the blades and memorize the types of attacks in animals, but before there was no this. In addition, the long -awaited sea hunt debuted in Tri – it looks like if you were forced to kill whales in, say, Endless Ocean : you need to swim around some deep worm and try to stab him with a harpoon. Underwater fishing turned out to be quite monotonous, but, firstly, it is rare to resort to it, and secondly, after many hours of running around it, in any case, it is perceived as a gift of fate.

We note another important thing: Monster Hunter could never have intrigued the player if it had not been fantastically beautiful and diverse living nature. Imagine someone started hunting in the world Dragon Quest With its endless fabulous prairies: in Tri you can accidentally wrap around the corner and find yourself on a beautiful snow-covered field, accidentally run into some kind of cave and study exotic plants for half an hour, but what is there simply to climb higher and look around so that the breath is intercepted for a second.

But the most interesting here is, of course, the animals themselves. Studying the local fauna, you can easily forget about the actual game. And you can not step a step so as not to find an extravagant cross of a dinosaur with a dragon or mosquito the size of a refrigerator. A player at Monster Hunter Tri is primarily a researcher, a discoverer: no successful hunt will work until we learn where these or those animals live and what approach is needed to make them up.

Nevertheless, a truly exciting hunting adventure from Monster Hunter Tri still does not work. To gain access to interesting weapons, beautiful locations and complex monsters, you need to chop and shred a long and tedious. The first ten hours of the game-there is nowhere more boring: only a few nearby areas are open, in which there are 5-6 types of creatures, for which humiliating pennies are paid for meat. And in order to achieve at least something, you need to kill them endlessly, day and night, packs, herds and flocks-a little less than in the average Asian online game. But the maximum possible number of players within the framework of one batch in Monster Hunter Tri is four, so we have another comparison – with hunting simulators Cabela’s. It begs if only because both episodes work on the same formula: you need to kill a lot of animals to buy a new equipment that is needed to kill even more animals.

* * *

In conclusion, we are forced to make a reservation traditional for the Asian games – from Monster Hunter Tri you can get a lot of pleasure. This game is dedicated to Grinding, but we have not seen a more spectacular and balanced grinding for a long time. Another thing is that in order to evaluate all this, it will be needed in a special way tuned nervous system, hardened at least in Diablo, and better in Lineage. Having launched this game, you need to understand that the next thirty-second hours you will have to spend in heavy and monotonous battles, without a clear plot, QTE and mini-games. As a reward for successes, stylish clothes will be issued, put into new picturesque locations and … in general, everything. If such games have always attracted you – welcome and do not need to be shy: in the end, millions of satisfied Asians cannot make mistakes.

Game Formula: 70% Monster Hunter + 20% of the new graphics + 10% underwater hunting

Grade: 7.0